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The Magician
The Magician

The Magician

We all posses power and the choice where to focus this energy. The will to create is stemmed from desire. The magician is a representation of this cornerstone in humanity; is the beginning of art and invention. Represented by the number 1, the magician is the “I” or self that animates the internal power within each of us. At its highest frequency, denotes realized self and the presence of the creative power within to manifest. At its lowest frequency it is also the chaotic blackhole of our toxic energy for destruction and waste of time/potential. This card represents humanity’s first step in realization of creation. We posses power, yet most are ignorant to it or believe that power lies elsewhere, which denies the responsibility which is ultimately ours. We hold the power to manifest want we want through our practices. You are called to be conscious of this gift of energy that emanates from within. The Magician is the potential within the vessel that can be positively released through self discipline. With practice we can thoughtfully use the elements surrounding us, with will, and imagination to manifest goals.

The magician calls us to use our individual power to shape our trajectory through the physical world with symbol and elements. Owls have timelessly represented the great totem of wisdom, study, and magic. This mysterious wise animal is the daily practitioner of patience, and an illuminated creature of the night, being a powerful totem and deity of The Magician. Operating in the darkness of the veil, the owl can see which we cannot. Owls carry the power of Thoth and other magical deities including Athena, Santa Muerte, Lakshmi, and Lilith. The recipe for manifestation comes through desire, dreaming, imagination, vision, focus, and practice.

The Snowy owl is represented in the card with two eyes needed to truly see all aspects of things in this life. The sharp clear cats eye keeps focus, honing in on the work you desire to do in the physical material realm. Then there is the other necessary eye for vision, the milky blind yet perceptive eye connected to the subconscious mystic abstract plain of unseen energies. The key to making the right choices is the balance of your perception. Through the power of the minds eye and these probing sights, you cut through the darkness of the uncertainties of the veil. You posses the arsenal of sharp tools necessary to bend and create with the elements at hand. With the power of focus, will, intention, action, and harnessing symbol, it is possible to obtain and manifest expansive possibilities. The owl has collected and obtained a nest full of powerful medicines and symbolic tools over time to prepare and lend aid to nourish along life's work. Like talons you hold the power to draws the energies together.

We are dealt our hand in life, yet we are in control of our force and somewhat that trajectory in this world. Our physical shell is the illuminating blooming vessel of invention invitation and manifestation. Through focus, handwork, and ritual, we develop our personal skills. We find our space of service to this beautiful healing expressive world of nurturing and creation. The Magician hones the power of the individual working with the elements around them to expand and obtain endless possibility of the mind. Here in exists the works and world of the unsung heroes and dreamers. The path is expansive for you to dream and invent by being open and bending the will within yourself, applying that to the world around you. The snowy owl lends to us the power of dreaming and imagination.

Desire and imagination are the key ingredient to ignite manifestation but without focus they are lost within the ether. Work on realizing your own personal power through study, meditation, and observation. One of the most powerful elements of this card is the power of focus. Our energy is just another form of light, when it is focused and used with the right tools we become a laser. Like the owl hunting at night, it takes all the patience, focus, and understanding of the surrounding elements to give shape to the dark worlds that will then becomes illuminated in the pursuit of desire. If you are lazy in your practice, your energy becomes static clinging to unimportant things. We waste opportunity when we let the elements consume our energy instead of choosing to focus it. When we let our negative energy go loose angry or unhinged, we are like lightning, ready to strike chaotically in wild and oftentimes destructive patterns if there are not grounded elements surrounding. Like light our energy keeps expanding out into the vacuum of the universe so take care with the course of your inner flame. Like grounding electricity try and find protective grounding things in life to surround yourself with in chaotic times.

Keyword: Illumination, creation, manifestation, imagination, dreaming, inner power, energy, Art, intention, focus, addiction, new opportunity, realization, study, mastering work, seizing opportunity, awareness, therapy, ritual, practice